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Monday, January 21, 2013

NYSDOL Responds To Call To Waive Fees

Several months ago, we called on Governor Mario Cuomo and the New York State Department of Labor to waive asbestos notification fees in response to the burden these fees created in response to Super Storm Sandy.  We received a response to our call.  Needless to say the response was not positive.  Visit our website at to see the response letter. 

Sandy downed tree took out car

We are disappointed with the response and we feel Governor Cuomo and the NYSDOL, both should recognize the damage being done by this negative response.  Asbestos removals are going on without notification and without licensed contractors and trained workers.  In addition, only Suffolk County is determining if their are any asbestos problems, along with mold and lead (as reported in Newsday).  While Nassau County is ignoring the asbestos issue.  Its very sad to see the same issues that occurred during previous storms/hurricanes continue to be issues.
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