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Showing posts with label legionnaire's disease. Show all posts
Showing posts with label legionnaire's disease. Show all posts

Monday, April 17, 2017

PACNY's Environmental Conference - The Very Technical Sessions - Day Two!

The second day of the Professional Abatement Contractors of New York (PACNY) environmental conference at the Turning Stone Casino in Verona, NY started with the Technical Sessions.  The day started with opening remarks from Sean Hart, of Energy & Environment, President of PACNY and Deb Sanscrainte, of Aramsco, the Conference Chair.  This year's Technical Session seemed much more intense & focused with a lot of good information presented.  The presentations kicked off with Dr. Martin Rutstein, of Ecological Consulting & Management Services, discussing "Talc with Tremolite & Other Amphiboles." Discussed the issues of talc contaminated with asbestos or silica and the potential for diseases correlated to talc related asbestosis, silicosis or talcosis.  Dr. Rutstein's presentations are always entertaining and are eye opening in regards to the science of geology.  The next presenter was Mr. Tom Laubenthal, of The Environmental Institute (a division of ATC Group Services) discussing "Using ASTM E2356 Standard Practice for Comprehensive Building Surveys".  Mr. Laubenthal's discussion brought up interesting points regarding the use of Safety Data Sheets (SDS) and Architect/Engineer Certifications of no asbestos containing materials used as part of the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) and its applicability for the purposes of a "thorough inspection" under the EPA's National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPS).  After Mr. Laubenthal's presentation, we took a break to wander the Vendor Exhibit Hall and meet with some of the vendors like Grayling/ILC Dover (glovebags, etc.) and AMA Analytical (laboratory services).

Mr. Ed Stuber, of Galson Laboratories
We returned from the break for Mr. Ed Stuber's, of Galson Laboratories, update on the "Occupational Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA's) Silica regulation."  One of the key points of his presentation is that the silica standard is no longer a moving target.  Previously, the standard was based on a formula.  The current standard has a set permissible exposure limit (PEL) of 50 micrograms per cubic meter and a set action level of 25 micrograms per cubic meter.  In additions, it is very important to ensure you see the lab's proficiency testing data because labs that analyze silica samples have till June 23, 2018 to comply with the OSHA standard.  Dr. Chris Goulah, of EMSL Analytical, presented on "Legionella".  The presentation was on the New York City outbreak in 2015 and the regulations created by New York City (NYC) and New York State (NYS) to protect against Legionella.  Dr. Goulah's presentation noted that Legionnaires' Disease is on the rise since 2000 and that most cases are the result of exposure to Legionella asssociated with building water systems (potable & non-potable).  Mr. Jim Redmond, of Associated General Contractors of NYS, gave us a "Regulatory Update on OSHA."  Mr. Redmonds discussed the electronic submission of injuries and illnesses (goes into effect on July 1, 2017 for more information visit OSHA's website) and construction industry citations based on the multi-employer work-site policy (creating, exposing, correcting, & controlling).  We then broke for the buffet lunch and another stroll through the Exhibit Hall and meet vendors like DiVal Safety Equipment and Frederico Demolition.

Brent Kynoch of EIA
The afternoon started with Dr. James Haklar, from EPA Region 2, discussing "Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCBs) Case Studies".    Dr. Haklar's presentation discussed the primary sources of PCBs in buildings (caulk, fluorescent light ballasts, paints and mastics) and secondary sources (building materials contaminated by releases of PCBs from the primary sources).  Dr. Haklar's presentation also discussed exposure levels for evaluating PCBs in Indoor School Air (to keep the total exposure below the oral reference dose of 20 nanograms PCB per kilogram-day) and the EPA's agreement with NYC.  Up next was Mr. Brent Kynoch, of the Environmental Information Association (EIA), updating us on "What Does Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) Reform Mean to the Asbestos Abatement Industry?"  Mr. Kynoch discussed "unreasonable risk" and the EPA's need to take final risk management action within 2 years or 4 years if an extension is needed.  In addition, Mr. Kynoch informed us that asbestos was selected in the "Top 10" chemicals for review by EPA and as of the PACNY conference the public comment period was open (it has since closed, here is the docket information:  The final speakers for the day were Mr. Cole Stanton, of Fiberlock Technologies, and Mr. Fred Schauf, of Spectrum Environmental presenting on "Environmental Indicators: Changes in Policy and Practice that WILL Impact Restoration & Abatement in 2017 -2018 and Beyond."  Mr. Stanton and Mr. Schauf discussed the 2016 Indoor Air Quality Association (IAQA) report to NYS Department of Labor (NYSDOL).  This report indicated the following:

Mr. Cole Stanton, of Fiberlock Technologies, and Mr. Fred Schauf, of Spectrum Environmental
  • Remediators perform own assessments/final inspections
  • Mold Remediation Plans are incomplete:
    • No quantities per work area
    • No Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) mentioned
    • EPA registered biocides etc. without specifying a product
    • No method for remediation, only "industry standards"
    • No cost estimate
  • Non NYSDOL licensed assessors provide the inspection/assessment.
  • Real Estate agents are assessing and preparing Mold Remediation Plans for properties they are listing (does not appear to violate Article 32, it does appear to violate their code of ethics.)
  • Mold remediators are still providing homeowners with checklist used as assessment and mold remediation plan
  • and/or, No Mold Remediation Work Plans provided.
  • Training Quality needs significant improvement:
    • Incorrect information presented, such as: asbestos testing is not necessary as mold takes precedence over asbestos containing materials; a check list by the homeowner is OK; sampling is required; biocides are preferable to removal.
    • Classes last less than 5 hours a day
    • Mold assessment classes being taught by teachers without mold experience.
Vendor Reception in the Exhibit Hall
That ended the Technical Sessions on day 2.  The Vendor Reception in the Exhibit Hall started, where further networking with the vendors and the attendees continued.  It was a very informative day 2 and the amount of information was fantastic.  Looking forward to day 3 and our presentation.  Thank you to the Long Island contingent that attended the conference this year.

Part of the Long Island Contingent that Attended This Year 
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Tuesday, September 01, 2015

NYC's Legionnaire Outbreak Over, Leading to New Requirements for Building Owners.

The recent legionnaire's disease outbreak in the Bronx, is over according to the New York City Health Department.  The impact of this disease outbreak seems to have not had an impact on the Opera House Hotel (according to the New York Times) which was at the center of the outbreak.  A far cry from the first legionnaire outbreak back in 1976.  That outbreak caused the closing of the Bellevue Stratford Hotel, four months after the outbreak and it did not reopen until 1979.

English: Bellevue-Stratford Hotel, Philadelphia
English: Bellevue-Stratford Hotel, Philadelphia (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Legionnaire's disease is caused by a common gram negative rod-shaped bacterium called Legionella. It is widely distributed natural inhabitant of waters.  There are approximately 50 species and 70 serogroups have been described.  The 1976 occurrence in Philadelphia had 221 people that were treated and 34 deaths.  Legionella bacterium was found in the cooling tower of the hotel's air conditioning system.

Legionnaire's disease symptoms include fever, chills, cough, muscle aches, headache, tiredness, loss of appetite, loss of coordination and occasionally diarrhea and vomiting.  Typically takes 2-10 days to incubate.  Many cases go undiagnosed and transmission is not person to person.  It is treatable with antibiotics if diagnosed early enough.

The infection occurs from inhaling water droplets that originated from a water source contaminated with Legionella.  Typical manmade sources include cooling towers, evaporative coolers, hot water systems, showers, whirlpool spas, architectural fountains, room-air humidifiers, ice-making machines and misting equipment.  Environmental sources are freshwater ponds, rivers and creeks. 

A forced draft cooling tower
A forced draft cooling tower (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Commonly used method of analysis is the methodology from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) which involves collecting a sample of the water source. Culture Analysis is considered the "gold standard" and analysis can take 10-14 days.  The OSHA Technical Manual offers the following guidelines for interpreting Legionella analysis results (numbers are in colony forming units per milliliter (cfu/ml)):

  1                     100                           10                     1
  2                    1000                         100                    10

Action 1: Prompt cleaning and/or biocide treatment of the system.
Action 2: Immediate cleaning and/or biocide treatment.
As part of the outbreak, the New York City Commissioner of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) issued a mandatory order to have cooling systems inspected and remediated within 14 days of receipt of the order.  New York City has recently passed new requirements (Local Law 77 of 2015) for the registration of cooling towers and evaporating condensers.  Existing cooling towers and evaporative condensers must be registered with the New York City Building Department (NYC DOB) by September 17, 2015.  Visit the NYC DOB website for more info.  The DOHMH order requires building owners to hire environmental consultants experienced in disinfection using current industry standard protocols including the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) Standard 188P and Cooling Technology Institute Guidelines WTB-148. 

Disinfection will require the use of biocides, biocides are regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) and by New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYS DEC).  EPA regulates the labeling and use of biocides.  NYS DEC requires a commercial pesticide applicator certification in Category 7G - Cooling Towers, Pulp & Paper Process.

Will these new requirements prevent another outbreak?  Only if the regulations are enforced.  There are many laws on the books, however, how many of them are enforced.  You can almost say instead of "the devil is in the details", you should say "the devil is in enforcement".  Be Safe!

Wednesday, December 03, 2014

Legionella Found in Windshield Washer Fluid

Interesting research from Arizona State University found that the bacteria Legionella, commonly found in fresh water, was able to survive in certain automobile windshield washer fluids and can grow in washer fluid reservoirs.  This could potentially lead to people being exposed to the bacteria and maybe developing Legionnaire's disease or Pontiac Fever.

Windshield washer fluid
Windshield washer fluid (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The Arizona State University research was conducted by Otto Schwake, an Arizona State University student pursuing a doctoral degree in Microbiology under the supervision of Morteza Abbaszadegan, a professor in the School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment. Although windshield washer fluid was not normally associated with spreading disease, this research was begun after a series of epidemiological studies found motor vehicle use to be associated with increased risk for Legionnaires' disease.  One such study attributed nearly 20% of Legionnaires' disease cases in the United Kingdom not associated with hospitals or outbreaks to automobile windshield washer fluid.

Based on a recent webinar held by EMLab P&K featuring the Dr. Harriet Burge, Legionella is a gram negative bacterium that is a widely distributed natural inhabitants of water and is common in many environments.  It is heat loving and will proliferate in temperatures between 20 degrees Celsius to 45 degrees Celsius.  Growth is promoted by other micro organisms.  Legionella is the causative agent of Legionellosis (Legionnaires' disease and Pontiac fever).

The first recognized outbreak of Legionnaires disease occurred in Philadelphia in 1976.  As many as 221 people were treated and 34 deaths occurred.  The source was identified as the Legionella bacterium and found in the cooling tower of the hotel's air conditioning system.  Over 90% of legionelloses are caused by Legionella pneumophila.

English: A silver stain of Legionella pneumoph...
English: A silver stain of Legionella pneumophila , the bacteria that causes Legionellosis. Although I got this image from a commercial website it is clearly labeled as from the CDC. This website routinely uses images from Wikipedia, which is a good thing, so no issue should be taken with using an presumably public domain image from their website. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Legionellosis takes two distinct forms:

  • Pontiac Fever: respiratory illness without pneumonia, symptoms resemble acute influenza
  • Legionnaires' Disease: symptoms include fever, chills, cough, muscle achees, headache, tiredness, loss of appetite, loss of coordination (ataxia), and occasionally diarrhea & vomiting.
Legionellosis incubates in 2-10 days.  It is one of the top three causes of community-acquired pneumonia. Legionellosis affect 8,000 to 18,000 people in the United States each year. Transmission is not person to person. Legionellosis infection occurs after inhaling droplets that originated from a water source contaminated with Legionella. Environmental sources include freshwater ponds, rivers and creeks.  Typical manmade water sources that can be a source of Legionella include: cooling towers, evaporative coolers, hot water systems, showers, whirlpool spas, architectural fountains, room-air humidifiers, ice-making machines, and misting equipment.  Based on the above research now windshield washer fluid reservoirs, may be added to this list.

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