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Showing posts with label Newsday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Newsday. Show all posts

Monday, January 21, 2013

NYSDOL Responds To Call To Waive Fees

Several months ago, we called on Governor Mario Cuomo and the New York State Department of Labor to waive asbestos notification fees in response to the burden these fees created in response to Super Storm Sandy.  We received a response to our call.  Needless to say the response was not positive.  Visit our website at to see the response letter. 

Sandy downed tree took out car

We are disappointed with the response and we feel Governor Cuomo and the NYSDOL, both should recognize the damage being done by this negative response.  Asbestos removals are going on without notification and without licensed contractors and trained workers.  In addition, only Suffolk County is determining if their are any asbestos problems, along with mold and lead (as reported in Newsday).  While Nassau County is ignoring the asbestos issue.  Its very sad to see the same issues that occurred during previous storms/hurricanes continue to be issues.
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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Kings Park Psychiatric Center Bid Awarded to Low Bidder

On Saturday, March 10, 2010, Mr. Carl MacGowan of Newsday wrote an article regarding the demolition jobs that will be created by National Salvage & Service Corp. the winner of the Kings Park Psychiatric Center bid.  As we discussed in a previous blog post, we are concerned about whether this contractor understands New York State laws regarding labor, asbestos, transportation, and insurance.

This equipment could be used to tear down buildings.
The article states that National Salvage is expected to employ about 65 people to demolish 15 buildings and is unsure how many of those jobs would be going to local people (even if those jobs go to out-of-state people they would have to be paid prevailing wage as per New York State laws).  In addition, National Salvage anticipates using local subcontractors for work such as security, surveying, and removing asbestos and hazardous materials.  They will also be subcontracting 20% of the work to businesses owned by minorities and women. 

Even with all of this we still say, the devil will be in the details.  We have discussed this project in several classes, and the concensus in our classes is it will be interesting to see if the project remains at $6.4 million or will the change orders and extras bring the project closer to the $15 million budget or exceed it? 
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Friday, October 22, 2010

Bedbugs and Lice Make Comeback.

Bedbug (shown on writing paper)Image via WikipediaIt's interesting  how certain news stories can just freak you out a bit.  For some its blood, for others it could be molds.  Well for me its particular very small bugs.  Like bedbugs and lice just really gets me itching.  So when a story like the one in Newsday discussed the current bedbug and louse issue, it was all I could do to prevent myself from scratching like crazy.  Recent news stories have bedbugs present at the Waldorf Astoria (where else would you stay if you visited New York City), at  Lincoln Center (I guess they like ballet) and the Central Islip Library (they also like to read..or maybe they are really bookworms?).  This shows that bedbugs have evolved, additional proof of this is that these bedbugs are
resistant to DDT and malathion, products used in the past to kill them.  The article makes interesting reading and other articles have discussed how to avoid bedbugs while traveling or specifically discussed about bedbugs not being a public health emergency.  The primary reason being that bedbugs are not known to spread disease.  They just want to feed on us (ok, just writing that creeped me out...itch, itch, scratch, scratch).  
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The Role of Asbestos Inspections in Construction Safety: Don't Miss the Asbestos Inspection Panel at PACNY's Environmental Conference!

In the construction world, one of the most pressing concerns for worker safety is the potential asbestos exposure.  This hazardous material,...