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Showing posts with label Middletown Connecticut. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Middletown Connecticut. Show all posts

Monday, July 05, 2010

Clearing Pipes With Natural Gas, A Common But Deadly Construction Practice

MIDDLETOWN, CT -  FEBRUARY 7:  An aerial view ...Image by Getty Images via @daylife
In Middletown, Connecticut on Febuary 7, 2010 an explosion caused the death of 6 workers building a power plant for Kleen Energy Systems.  The article above discusses the findings of an investigation of the cause of the explosion.  The findings found that a common construction practice of clearing pipes with natural gas was the cause of the explosion.  The Occupational Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA) investigation is still ongoing.  However, it appears the common practice of clearing pipes with natural gas is also a common cause of explosions at other construction sites.  In two other sites this practice has caused explosions that have killed 4 and 6, previously.  The article implies that this practice is unregulated, which I find hard to believe.  I guess we will find out once OSHA finishes its investigation.

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