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Showing posts with label asbestos project designer course. Show all posts
Showing posts with label asbestos project designer course. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Current Asbestos & Mold Hard Cards Required for Asbestos & Mold Projects! Fast Track Variances on Pause and New Asbestos Attachments for New York City DEP!

New York State Department of Labor (NYSDOL) as of July 31, 2021, is requiring current asbestos and mold hard cards for asbestos and mold projects.  Their latest automatic response email claims to be turning around asbestos hard cards in five (5) weeks and licenses in three (3) weeks.  That same NYSDOL email says they are turning around mold licenses in three (3) weeks.  So it seems the NYSDOL's license and certification unit is back to normal.  On the other hand, the New York City Department of Environmental Protection (NYCDEP) is allowing workers whose hard card expired on March 15, 2020, or later to continue to work using their existing card until August 31, 2021.  See NYCDEP's Extension of Asbestos Certification Deadline website for more information.  In addition, NYCDEP has reinstated the examinations for asbestos as of April 21, 2021. 

Asbestos Company License and Worker (hard card) Certificate

In our blogpost in February 2021, we discussed that NYSDOL's Engineering Services Unit (ESU) came out with 10 Fast Track Variances and that this was a pilot program.  On Thursday, July 22, 2021, the Professional Abatement Contractors of New York (PACNY) were notified by NYSDOL's ESU that they were shutting down the Fast Track Variance Program.  The following is quoted from the NYSDOL email to PACNY:

"As the results of an increasing number of questions concerning relief granted by some Fast Track Variances (FTVs), ESU has decided to temporarily stop the FTV program.  ESU will go back and review each FTV to ensure that the relief granted, and conditions listed in the FTV are consistent with ICR 56 and appliable Federal requirements.  ESU will also try to better define when and how each FTV can be utilized. There seems to be some confusion about how some FTV’s are to be used.  When ESU completes its review of an FTV, we will reissue that FTV for use moving forward.  It is ESU’s hope that this review will not take long. In the meantime, site-specific variances should be applied for as usual via email to me and cc:"

So it seems if you want an FTV, you will have to apply and wait the time it takes to approve site-specific variances (anywhere from 3-6 weeks).

Asbestos Inspector Initial Class

Meanwhile, NYCDEP Asbestos Program has issued two new attachments (NYCDEP's version of FTVs).  They include Attachment CS which is the "Requirements for the Abatement of In-Place ACM with or without ACM Debris in Crawl Spaces/Cellars with Concrete (Non-Soil) Floors Under Modified Containment (without plastic on the walls)" and Attachment CRS which is the "Requirements for the Abatement of Contaminated Soil with or without ACM Debris and/or Inplace Removal of ACM in Crawl Spaces/Cellars with Soil Floors Under Modified Containment (without plastic on the walls)".  Both of these attachments can be found on our website under our resources page under FED Training CD-Dropbox Folder.  In addition, we recently heard the NYCDEP was issuing violations for improper labeling of cassettes and sampling pumps not properly labeled.  It certainly seems NYCDEP has not changed its tactics of issuing fines for nonsense items versus making sure the actual work is being done correctly.  If you are a reader of this blog make sure you get credit for being a reader and enter the discount code FEDTCBLOG15 to get a 15% discount on our published course prices.

Monday, February 01, 2021

NYSDOL and NYCDEP Provide Guidance for Asbestos Project Designers Applying for Variances!

In our blogpost "PACNY's Environmental Conference Day Three - A NYSDOL Surprises with Fast Track Variances!"  we discussed the New York State Department of Labor's (NYSDOL) Engineering Services Unit (ESU) announcement at last year's Professional Abatement Contractors of New York's (PACNY's) 2020 Environmental Conference, of a pilot program for certain site-specific variances.  These new variances are called Fast Track Variances.  These are variances that the ESU has been issuing regularly and don't really change each time an asbestos project designer requests them.  ESU has created 10 Fast Track Variances and may create more in the future.

NYSDOL ESU's Ed Smyth discussing variances at PACNY

In addition, the New York City Department of Environmental Protection (NYCDEP) has released a service notice regarding the filing of an ACP-9 variance request "Variance (ACP-9) Filing Instructions".  The service notice gives instructions on the information that must be provided in applying for a variance from NYCDEP.  Required documents for NYCDEP include the building authorization letter; the ACP-9 form including fee ($300-$1,800); and the proposed method of work (variance proposal) and layout drawing.  NYCDEP also has the equivalent of Fast Track Variances which they call Attachments (there are 13 of them).  Visit Future Environment Designs Training Center's (FEDTC's) dropbox folder to access them.   

NYCDEP Attachment D & DI are regarding remote decons and decons inside the work area.

The process for getting a Fast Track Variance from NYSDOL ESU for all intents and purposes is the same for getting a site-specific variance.  You will still need a licensed and certified project designer to sign and complete the SH 752 application.  The application must be completed fully including the hardship.  One difference is no information about the work plan should be included in the SH 752 application.  The variance fee is still $350.  In section 9, Industrial Code Rule 56 (ICR56) Relief Sought, of the SH 752 application the designer must enter the Fast Track Variance number they are seeking.  There are 10 Fast Track Variances:

Available Fast-Track Variances
FTV NumberFTV Name
FTV-1Negative Air Shutdown
FTV-2Exhausting to An Interior Space
FTV-3Elevator Door Removal
FTV-4Fire Door Removal
FTV-5Crawlspace with Dirt Floor
FTV-6Intact Component Removal
FTV-7Buried Cementitious (e.g. Transite) Pipe
FTV-8HEPA Drilling Spot Removal
FTV-9Air Sampling at Elevated Exhaust Duct Locations
FTV-10Controlled Demolition with Non-Friable in Place

As you can see each variance deals with very specific situations.  We summarize these specific situations below:  
  • Fast Track Variance-1 (FTV-1) is about shutting down the negative air units overnight.  The negative air units must run a minimum of 30 minutes after completion of all abatement/cleaning activity for the day and must run 30 minutes after the manometer achieves a negative 0.02 water pressure differential before entering the work area the next day. 
  • FTV-2 is about exhausting negative air machines to an interior space.  The variance requires air monitoring of each negative air exhaust (no banking allowed) and must be exhausted into an existing, vacant room or an area within a larger space isolated, consistent with vacate, restrict entry, & post signs (ICR56-7.4) by barrier tape and warning signs.  The location must be adequately sized to accommodate the increase in positive pressure to the area.  All openings within 25 feet of the negative air machine exhaust must be sealed with two layers of 6 mil fire retardant poly.  The variance includes a process for elevated air monitoring results. 
  • FTV-3 is about the removal of ACM filled elevator doors intact without impact to the matrix during removal operations.  Project monitor required, elevator technician involved with door removal must be allied trades certified, no waiting periods, air samples 10 feet from the barriers, and inside the work area.  The most recent final air sample results are the clearance results if they meet the clearance standard.
  • FTV-4 is about the removal of ACM filled fire doors intact without impact to the matrix during removal operations.  Not surprisingly this variance seems exactly the same as FTV-3 without the elevator technician.
  • FTV-5 is about the removal of pipe insulation and dirt in a crawl space.  The variance requires attached large project personal and waste decontamination unit but allows, if space limitations, for a small project personal and waste combination decontamination unit in accordance with ICR56-7.5 (c) & 56-7.5(e9).  If no public access, it allows 2-layer six-mil fire retardant plastic sheeting in lieu of hardwall barriers.  8 air changes per hour required.  Glovebags without tents allowed.  Soil removal as per American Society Testing and Materials (ASTM) 1368 (latest edition), Section 9.1.1-9.1.5 inspection criteria.  It is interesting to note that the requirement does not include 9.1.6 & 9.1.7 of the standard.  9.1.6 uses a personal sampler on the project monitor during the visual inspection as a representative indication of fiber exposure for re-occupancy and 9.1.7 discusses soil sampling in accordance with ASTM test method D7521.  In addition, to the regular air sampling for an asbestos project, air sampling inside the work area is required for the entire work shift based on the size of the project (i.e. 1-minor, 3-small, 5-large).  The project requires a prep waiting (4-hours) and a final drying/settling period (8-hour).  Clearance is based on the most recent daily abatement air samples collected during cleaning operations.
  • FTV-6 is the intact removal of nonfriable ACM components.  The variance allows removal inside of tents or removal as part of a larger work area.  Removal without tents requires critical barriers and dropcloths.   Background sampling and a pre-abatement waiting period are not required.  Power tools require manufacturer equipped shroud and HEPA-vacuum.  Daily inside work area samples (i.e. 1-minor, 3-small, 5-large) required in addition to the regular during abatement samples.  The most recent daily samples will be used to compare to the clearance criteria after the visual inspection by the project monitor.  There is only one drying/settling period, time is based on the item being removed can be either 4- or 2-hours. 
  • FTV-7 is for the removal of non-friable ACM transite piping from below ground.  One of the requirements is the regulated area, decontamination units, airlocks, and dumpster area shall be cordoned off at a distance of 25 feet, if not then a daily abatement air sample shall be collected in the reduced barrier.  In addition, even if you do the 25 feet condoning off, the variance requires air sampling taken on opposites of the work area at the perimeter barriers.  Extending those barriers.  In our opinion, this requirement by itself seems onerous.  We realize not all projects are in a roadway but for those projects that are this means closing the roadway or closing a few lanes or setting up a sample in the middle of the road which means your shutting that road anyway.  Meaning these projects will probably require flaggers to control the traffic around these barriers.  The variance allows the equipment operator to be allied trades (see our blogpost regarding the difference between allied trades and operations & maintenance) as long as they only excavate the soil to within 6 inches of the buried pipe and lifting the section out of the trench using nylon slings.  Requires a negative pressure tent if sawing or other methods that would render the piping friable.  Requires project monitor visual inspection to complete the project.
  • FTV-8 is HEPA-drilling to allow for the installations of building system upgrades into ACM joint compound/drywall wall and ceiling.  Requires dropcloth decontamination area and dropcloth under each drilling/cutting location.  Power tools require a shroud and HEPA vacuum.  Requires wet methods (allows shaving cream or foam as a wet method).  Supervisor visual inspection as per minor projects.
  • FTV-9 is air sampling of elevated exhaust duct locations.  Basically, if the negative air exhaust ducts are exhausting at a height above ground where air sampling of the exhaust is not possible, that is this variance.  We find this an interesting variance in that most consultants that work on high-rise buildings throughout the state should be applying for this variance. 
  • FTV-10 is controlled demolition with nonfriables to remain.  Requires a full-time project monitor on-site and the individual will have a number of specific requirements.  One of the most interesting requirements of the variance is the requirement that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Document 340/1-92-013 "EPA Guide to Normal Demolition Practices Under the Asbestos NESHAP" be consulted by the petitioner to anticipate demolition methods will cause Regulated Asbestos Containing Materials (RACM) to be created.  This EPA document published in 1992 is an excellent source of information from EPA about various demolition practices and whether those practices will cause a category I or II nonfriable asbestos-containing material to become a RACM.  Air sampling for the variance includes the usual large project requirements for air sampling plus air sampling upwind and downwind of the work area.  Soil/Earth/Dirt cleanup has to meet the ASTM 1368, Sections 9.1.1-9.1.5 inspection criteria.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

PACNY's Environmental Conference - Day 1 - And So It Begins!

This year's Professional Abatement Contractors of New York (PACNY) 21st Annual Environmental Conference was definitely more technical then previous years.  The first day of the PACNY environmental conference started with the Proficiency Workshop for Trainers.  The Proficiency Workshop speakers consisted of Mr. Kevin Malone, Director of New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH); Mr. Don Pierce of New York State Department of Labor (NYSDOL); and Mr. Kevin Hutton of Eastcoast Resources; and Mr. Ed Smith of NYSDOL Engineering Services Unit.

It was a modest Day One which started with networking during lunch. Mr. Malone started the presentations by providing us with an update on the statistics of the asbestos training program.  As we have come to expect the number of individuals attending asbestos courses shrinks every year.  The 2016 stats were 26,734 total certs issued broken done 21,642 refresher certs and 5,092 initial certs issued at 3,349 total classes held.  Those numbers are down from the 2015 stats that were 27,731 total certificates issued with 22,074 refresher certs and 5,657 initial certs issued at 3,436 training courses.
Mr. Kevin Malone of NYSDOH
The next presenter was Mr. Pierce discussing the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) auditing update.  For those of you who don't know, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been providing New York State (NYS) with a grant to perform audits of public and private school's AHERA required management plans.  The presentation included a discussion on the process of selecting schools to be audited (randomly selected and/or based upon cause {complaint}), how the data is collected and how the information is provided back to EPA.  In addition, Mr. Pierce discussed several issues the audits have found:
  • EPA accepts electronic record-keeping, but hard copies of the original survey and asbestos management plan must be maintained at the Local Education Agency (LEA) office.
  • The LEA must assign and train a designated person to oversee asbestos activities and ensure compliance with AHERA requirements.  The designated person must be trained but does not require them to be accredited and does not list a specific course or specific number of hours. It does list specific training topics which include - health effects; detection, identification, & assessment of asbestos; options for controlling asbestos; asbestos management plan topics; and relevant Federal, State, and local regulations for asbestos.  As a side note: Future Environment Designs (FEDTC) recommends designated persons take the asbestos inspector (3 day) and management planner (2 day) initial courses to meet the AHERA requirements.
  • EPA allows two methods for new additions to existing buildings.  An architect or project engineer responsible for the construction of a new school building after October 12, 1988 or an accredited inspector to:
    • to sign a statement that no asbestos containing building materials (ACBM) was specified as a building material in any construction document for the building, or
    • to the best of his or her knowledge, no ACBM was used in any building material in the building.
    • The LEA must submit a copy of this statement to the EPA Regional Office and shall include the statement in the management plan of the school.
  • Deficiencies found by the audit included:
    • Periodic surveillances were missing or weren't well documented
    • Documentation of notifications not included or well documented
    • ACBM removal not updated in the management plan
    • Clearance air monitoring records not available per AHERA
Mr. Don Pierce of NYSDOL
After a short break, the Variance Writing Workshop with Mr. Hutton and Mr. Smith was up next.  This nearly two-hour presentation, got into the details of submitting and writing variances that Mr. Smith's Engineering Services Unit (ESU) reviews for approval, disapproval, or modification. Some of the points discussed:
Mr. Kevin Hutton of Eastcoast Resources
  • According to the Asbestos School Hazard Abatement Re-authorization Act (ASHARA) an asbestos project designer is required on Public and Commercial Building asbestos projects (including residential buildings with 10 or more dwellings).
  • When writing a variance consider your audience: DOL ESU; Abatement Contractor, Project Monitor; Asbestos Control Bureau (ACB) Inspector; Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Inspector (Compliance Safety Officer); and the Courts.
  • Mr. Smith discussed that his department handles between 1400-1500 variances a year.  About 25% are then reopened, with another 5% reopened a second time and another 5% reopened a third time.  Mr. Smith also provided us with a list of Pet Peeves regarding variance applications which included:
    • Failing to explicitly list what code sections you are requesting relief from
    • Don't be lazy and simply submit someone else's variance and state you want to do what is in that variance.  Own your work, your client is paying you to apply for a variance on their behalf.
    • "State-Wide" emergencies
    • Try to limit your write-up to the hardship and proposed steps to be taken to work around the hardship.
Mr. Ed Smith of NYSDOL Engineering Services Unit
Variance workshop ended the first day of the Conference.  That evening we celebrated & networked at the President's Reception featuring Dan the Magic Man!
John of TS Steakhouse at Turning Stone Casino

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

PACNY's 2013 Environmental Conference

Future Environment Designs is proud to be attending and exhibiting at the Professional Abatement Contractors of New York's (PACNY's) 17th Annual Environmental Conference.  The event is being held at the Turning Stone Casino & Resort on Thursday, February 28th & Friday, March 1, 2013.  This year we've updated our trade show booth and look forward to showing it off, assuming its ready in time.  We are also honored to have been selected to be on the industry panel again this year.  We look forward to meeting you in the exhibit hall or at one of the sessions.  For more information or to register for the event visit PACNY's website at

We are also happy to announce that on Wednesday, February 27, 2013 at Turning Stone Casino we will be holding an Asbestos Project Designer Refresher course together with Cornerstone Training Institute.  Hopefully, that will work with people's schedule and we look forward to seeing you at that event, too.

The Role of Asbestos Inspections in Construction Safety: Don't Miss the Asbestos Inspection Panel at PACNY's Environmental Conference!

In the construction world, one of the most pressing concerns for worker safety is the potential asbestos exposure.  This hazardous material,...