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Showing posts with label Environment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Environment. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

16th Annual PACNY Environmental Conference Being Held March 1 & 2, 2012

6th Annual PACNY Environmental Conference
Turning Stone Resort & Casino, Verona, NY
Thursday & Friday, March 1st & 2nd, 2012

This years Speakers are:
  • Paul Watson of ATC to speak about PCBs 
  • Bob Krell will address indoor air quality issues
  • Kevin Murphy will discuss the process of accusal and/or claims avoidance
  • Ron Williams from OSHA will give us updates on OSHA as it relates to silica and asbestos
  • Dave Duford will discuss code enforcement in relation to the current code rule
  • Chris Alonge has been invited to speak on Friday 
  • Annual roundtable discussion
Vendor Tradeshow Registration
Display your products and services in the Vendor Hall, adjacent to PACNY Conference Meeting Hall, to over 250 decision makers in the asbestos/environmental industry. The PACNY conference averages over 250 attendees - the majority of attendees are decision makers/buyers.

Last year's conference was very popular with all vendors. Foot traffic in the Vendor Hall was at an all time high. Registration, breakfast, and all coffee breaks will once again be held in the Vendor Hall (adjacent to Conference Meeting Hall) on both days. Also, vendor punch cards will be distributed to all attendees. Attendees that have their punch cards "punched" by all vendors will be eligible for a drawing, held on the second day, for a flat screen TV (winner must be present to claim prize).  

The Thursday (March 1st) afternoon Vendor Reception is held in the Vendor Hall.
Sponsor Options
Conference and Vendor Sponsors are the hosts (with no additional responsibilities) for the Thursday afternoon Vendor Reception held in the Vendor Hall. This reception is held at 4PM immediately after the last speaker's presentation on Day 1 of the conference. Hot food, drinks, and adult beverages are provided at the reception. This is an outstanding opportunity to network and display your products/services to approximately 250 industry professionals! Last year the Vendor Reception was the highlight of the conference. 

Conference Sponsor: $1,000.00
Includes vendor display table, 3 conference passes, 1 page ad in conference program, listing on sponsor board in registration area, logo display on speaker backdrop in conference area, logo on PACNY website as conference sponsor, and logo/firm name on the outside of pre-conference mailings and registration forms (mailed to over 6,000 industry professionals).

Vendor Sponsor: $500.00
Includes vendor display table, 2 conference passes, 1/2 page ad in conference program, listing on sponsor board in registration area, and logo display on speaker backdrop in conference area.

Meal Sponsor: $250.00
Includes your company name and logo on large tent cards on all lunch tables, on both days of the conference, as well as a 1/2 page ad in the conference program. Meal Sponsors will be announced to attendees prior to both days' lunches.

Business Card Sponsor: $50.00
Display your "business card" ad, 1/4 page ad, in the conference program.

To secure your sponsorship...
Please download the form here as a PDF, complete it and fax /email the form to the info on the form.   

Payment is due no later than February 18th.
For additional information please call either Deb Johnson @ 716-570-6726/   
email or Lisa Brown @ (315) 466-3150 / email

Conference Attendee Registration Form
Wednesday Evening's President's Reception, February 29th, 7 - 9PM

Registration by February 18th

$225 for one reservation, both days
$175 per person for two or more persons, both days 
$120 per person for one day only

Turning Stone - Room Reservations by February 18th
$115 per night + tax + gratuity
$79 per night + tax + gratuity with government voucher

For Room Reservations, call Turning Stone at (800) 771- 7711

For additional conference information please call either Deb Johnson @ 716-570-6726/   
email or Lisa Brown @ (315) 466-3150 / email
PACNY, PO Box 3148, Syracuse, NY 13220, Phone (315) 466-3150, Fax (315) 437-1440,

PACNY addresses the needs and concerns of abatement contractors, and those in related industries.

The abatement industry faces many challenges, and this organization allows contractors to band together to face these challenges, rather than alone as individual businesses.

PACNY is a powerful, intelligent voice and force in the industry.

PACNY's new address is:
PO Box 3148
Syracuse, NY 13220
Tel: (315) 466-3150

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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Ventilation Blues from Indoor Air 2011

This video is from the Indoor Air 2011 Conference in Austin Texas where Rosie Flores plays a song written for the conference by Rosie Flores and Bud Offermann called the "VENTILATION BLUES."  An excellent song and very entertaining.  Hope you enjoy it.
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Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Venitian Gala Benefits the Theodore Roosevelt Sanctuary & Audubon Center - A Night To Remember

Venetian Gala Table Decoration
Saturday, May 7, 2011, we attended the Venetian Gala, benefitting the Theodore Roosevelt Sanctuary and Audubon Center (TRSAC), located in Oyster Bay, New York, held at the Piping Rock Club in Locust Valley, NY.  This annual Gala is held to benefit the environmental education programs at the Sanctuary and honor the winners of the Sanctuary's highest award for environmental leadership, the 2011 Legacy of Conservation Award.  This year the Sanctuary honored Helen Crosson (an old school mate), Alice DelBosco (serving with her on the TRSAC Board), Carol DuBois, and Julie Rinaldini for their legacy of conservation.  We attended the event and it was some event.  We had a great time, the pass around food was delicious, the band had us dancing our feet off, the bar was well stocked, and the decorations, as you can see from the table setting, were fantastic.  Ms. Bernadette Castro doing the live auction was excellent and generated alot of excitement.  It was a grand event that helps the Theodore Roosevelt Sanctuary and Audubon Center bring its environmental education programs to schools and the community, every year. 
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Friday, April 01, 2011

Hazardous Waste In Landscape Mulch

Picture of a Caterpillar 826C landfill compact...

Image via WikipediaLong Island Business News reported yesterday that Victor Liotta, owner of an Oceanside company,  Liotta Bros. Recycling Corporation, was arrested and is being charged of scheming to defraud, prohibited disposal of solid waste, operation of a solid waste management facility without a permit and misbranded or adulterated fertilizer. 
The arrest occurred after a New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) engineer uncovered that a sample of wood chips from Liotta’s landscaping company contained altered wood and demolition debris, including plastic chips, floor tiles, rags, sheet metal and rubber.

Liotta Bros. Recycling Corporation, operates a solid waste management facility in Oceanside and a retail store called “Island Hopper Landscape Supplies” in Island Park.
Floor tiles being part of the waste in the mulch brings up the question is it asbestos containing or not.  If it is asbestos the mulching process obviously makes it friable and would make it regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as a category I nonfriable that has become friable.  Hopefully, not many people used this company's products.  It will be interesting to see how this is handled.
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Friday, December 31, 2010

Paul Mancuso of Utica New York Ordered to Pay $17,972 to EPA

HVAC ducts insulated with chrysotile asbestos.
We have discussed this case in our asbestos refresher classes and slowly but surely it is getting resolved.  Paul Mancuso of Utica, New York was ordered to pay back $17,972.68 it cost the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to clean up toxic piles of asbestos that were illegally dumped in a rural Herkimer County field.  On Tuesday, December 28, the prosecutor, Assistant U.S. Attorney Craig Benedict, said it is satisfying to know that Paul Mancuso will have to pay some financial penalty for what he has done.  “We’re pleased that the judge has found Paul Mancuso responsible for repaying the taxpayers of the United States for money expended to clean up the asbestos that was illegally dumped as a result of the Mancusos’ criminal activities,” Benedict said.

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Friday, October 15, 2010

Federal jury finds Syracuse company guilty of mail fraud

Structures containing asbestos are markedImage via Wikipedia Federal jury finds Syracuse company guilty of mail fraud

We have discussed this asbestos air monitoring and laboratory consultant case in class. Follow the link which describes the guilty verdict against Certified Environmental Services (CES).  Remember one of the more interesting points of this case was that two individual asbestos air monitors were indicted on their illegal work. Making them individually responsible for aiding and abetting the illegal work of the contractors. It will be interesting if this has an impact on the industry.
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Wednesday, October 06, 2010

ADA Construction Caught Illegally Mining Sand in Melville

Headquarters of the New York State Department ...Image via WikipediaA joint investigation between Huntington Code Enforcement Officials and New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYS DEC) found that ADA Construction Corp. had mined 6,000 cubic yards of raw sand and then dumped 8,000 cubic yards of solid waste to backfill the excavation behind Bagatelle Court in Melville, Long Island
A separate inspection by the NYS DEC of ADA Construction Corp's Solid Waste Management Facility in Inwood found the site had exceeded its authorized storage limit.  The NYS DEC inspection found 23,000 cubic yards of debris and the facility was only allowed to store 5,000 cubic yards (it was over its limit by 18,000 cubic yards).
ADA Construction Corp is owned by Anthony Frank Falcone, president, and his son, Anthony Vincent Falcone, also owner of Varatech Industries Inc., were found to be in violation of multiple state environmental conservation laws.  The Falcones signed a consent order that required them to remove all of the solid waste from the Melville site, restore the illegal excavation with clean fill material, reduce the volume of material at its Inwood facility, and pay a $150,000 penalty.
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Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Spring 2010 Future Focus Posted

20081201-BW02056-R01-010Image by odysseyfx via Flickr
Future Environment Designs has posted its Spring 2010 newsletter finalizing our coverage of the revisions to the New York City asbestos regulation Title 15.  This issue we discuss the changes to the work procedures/practices.
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The Role of Asbestos Inspections in Construction Safety: Don't Miss the Asbestos Inspection Panel at PACNY's Environmental Conference!

In the construction world, one of the most pressing concerns for worker safety is the potential asbestos exposure.  This hazardous material,...