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Showing posts with label conference. Show all posts
Showing posts with label conference. Show all posts

Monday, March 13, 2023

Counting Down to a Month of Conferences - First it's PACNY's Environmental Conference and Then EIA's!

The Professional Abatement Contractors of New York (PACNY) have announced the dates and schedule for their annual Environmental Conference on March 16th and 17th, 2023.  It will be held at the Turning Stone Resort & Casino in Verona, New York.  To register for the conference or sponsor the conference click here!  Also, this month is the Environmental Information Association's (EIA's) 2023 National Conference & Exhibition being held from March 25th to March 29th, 2023.  It is being held at Renaissance Nashville Hotel, Nashville, Tennessee.  To register for the conference or sponsor the conference click here!

PACNY 2022

Both of these conferences provide tons of information that helps keep our classes up-to-date.  We are looking forward to several presentations that should provide information about some current issues such as "Managing Typical Regulated and Hazardous Wastes Generated on Abatement/Remediation Projects in NYS", "Asbestos Building Inspectors - an Open Discussion", "Exposure Assessments", "Asbestos-Myth Busters", and "What Your Injured Employee Think of You, Navigating the NYS Worker's Compensation Law and Related Benefits" just to name a few.

EIA Conference 2022 in Phoenix, AZ

We will have a table at the PACNY conference and we will be tweeting the conference using the hashtag #FEDTCPACNY.  We will be selling our asbestos air sampling tables ($15 per table) and we will be selling and signing our book "Do As I Say, Not As I Did" ($15 per book) at the table.  Come by and say hello!  Sheryl Esposito will be womaning the booth as she has for the past couple of years.  Our co-host for Two Guys Talking Pumps, Dan Crothers, the International Sales Director of FermionX maker of the Airbox Sampling Pump, will also be attending the conference and is also a sponsor.  To know more about the Airbox sampling pumps see our YouTube video "Two Talking Pumps" below or visit him at his booth where he will have the Airbox sampling pump in person!  Looking forward to seeing you there.  

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

16th Annual PACNY Environmental Conference Being Held March 1 & 2, 2012

6th Annual PACNY Environmental Conference
Turning Stone Resort & Casino, Verona, NY
Thursday & Friday, March 1st & 2nd, 2012

This years Speakers are:
  • Paul Watson of ATC to speak about PCBs 
  • Bob Krell will address indoor air quality issues
  • Kevin Murphy will discuss the process of accusal and/or claims avoidance
  • Ron Williams from OSHA will give us updates on OSHA as it relates to silica and asbestos
  • Dave Duford will discuss code enforcement in relation to the current code rule
  • Chris Alonge has been invited to speak on Friday 
  • Annual roundtable discussion
Vendor Tradeshow Registration
Display your products and services in the Vendor Hall, adjacent to PACNY Conference Meeting Hall, to over 250 decision makers in the asbestos/environmental industry. The PACNY conference averages over 250 attendees - the majority of attendees are decision makers/buyers.

Last year's conference was very popular with all vendors. Foot traffic in the Vendor Hall was at an all time high. Registration, breakfast, and all coffee breaks will once again be held in the Vendor Hall (adjacent to Conference Meeting Hall) on both days. Also, vendor punch cards will be distributed to all attendees. Attendees that have their punch cards "punched" by all vendors will be eligible for a drawing, held on the second day, for a flat screen TV (winner must be present to claim prize).  

The Thursday (March 1st) afternoon Vendor Reception is held in the Vendor Hall.
Sponsor Options
Conference and Vendor Sponsors are the hosts (with no additional responsibilities) for the Thursday afternoon Vendor Reception held in the Vendor Hall. This reception is held at 4PM immediately after the last speaker's presentation on Day 1 of the conference. Hot food, drinks, and adult beverages are provided at the reception. This is an outstanding opportunity to network and display your products/services to approximately 250 industry professionals! Last year the Vendor Reception was the highlight of the conference. 

Conference Sponsor: $1,000.00
Includes vendor display table, 3 conference passes, 1 page ad in conference program, listing on sponsor board in registration area, logo display on speaker backdrop in conference area, logo on PACNY website as conference sponsor, and logo/firm name on the outside of pre-conference mailings and registration forms (mailed to over 6,000 industry professionals).

Vendor Sponsor: $500.00
Includes vendor display table, 2 conference passes, 1/2 page ad in conference program, listing on sponsor board in registration area, and logo display on speaker backdrop in conference area.

Meal Sponsor: $250.00
Includes your company name and logo on large tent cards on all lunch tables, on both days of the conference, as well as a 1/2 page ad in the conference program. Meal Sponsors will be announced to attendees prior to both days' lunches.

Business Card Sponsor: $50.00
Display your "business card" ad, 1/4 page ad, in the conference program.

To secure your sponsorship...
Please download the form here as a PDF, complete it and fax /email the form to the info on the form.   

Payment is due no later than February 18th.
For additional information please call either Deb Johnson @ 716-570-6726/   
email or Lisa Brown @ (315) 466-3150 / email

Conference Attendee Registration Form
Wednesday Evening's President's Reception, February 29th, 7 - 9PM

Registration by February 18th

$225 for one reservation, both days
$175 per person for two or more persons, both days 
$120 per person for one day only

Turning Stone - Room Reservations by February 18th
$115 per night + tax + gratuity
$79 per night + tax + gratuity with government voucher

For Room Reservations, call Turning Stone at (800) 771- 7711

For additional conference information please call either Deb Johnson @ 716-570-6726/   
email or Lisa Brown @ (315) 466-3150 / email
PACNY, PO Box 3148, Syracuse, NY 13220, Phone (315) 466-3150, Fax (315) 437-1440,

PACNY addresses the needs and concerns of abatement contractors, and those in related industries.

The abatement industry faces many challenges, and this organization allows contractors to band together to face these challenges, rather than alone as individual businesses.

PACNY is a powerful, intelligent voice and force in the industry.

PACNY's new address is:
PO Box 3148
Syracuse, NY 13220
Tel: (315) 466-3150

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The Role of Asbestos Inspections in Construction Safety: Don't Miss the Asbestos Inspection Panel at PACNY's Environmental Conference!

In the construction world, one of the most pressing concerns for worker safety is the potential asbestos exposure.  This hazardous material,...