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Wednesday, November 09, 2022

Two Guys Talking About Pumps

Future Environment Designs Training Center (FEDTC) in our August 2022 Safety Suzy Newsletter and our August 29th blog post announced that the International Sales Director of FermionX, Dan Crothers was attending our September 19, 2022, Project Sample Technician/Project Monitor Refresher course.  FermionX, Ltd. is a UK electronics manufacturer of industrial product brands including the Airbox Sampling Pumps.   

Airbox Sampling Pump

Mr. Dan Crothers demonstrated the features of the AirBox pumps in our courses.  Those who attended the courses were introduced to the equipment, and how it operates.  We discussed the various features, advantages, and disadvantages of using this new pump.  Two of our clients who attend our courses The LIRO Group and New York Environmental Consultants & Laboratories ended up walking away with an Airbox sampling pump to try in the field.  While Mr. Dan Crothers was here he recorded a video discussing asbestos air sampling pumps with Angelo Garcia, III, and what makes this pump a game changer.  The video will be shown in our future asbestos classes or you can see it below:

If you are interested in more information feel free to contact us.

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