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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

NYCDEP Issues Advisory Memo

We recently received an advisory memorandum from Mr. Steven A. Camaiore, P.E., the Director of the Asbestos Control Program for New York City Department of Environmental Protection (NYCDEP).  The Advisory had several important points and interesting bits of information.  For example did you know NYCDEP was issuing violations directly to asbestos handlers for obvious violations in which the handler was directly at fault?  Some of the violations they have issued are:
  • worker not wearing gloves,
  • worker engaged in dry removal,
  • worker not taking a shower,
  • or a worker altering their certificate.
This seems to have opened a new area of revenue for NYCDEP.  Though I don't know how much money they are likely to get from asbestos handlers.

Asbestos Supervisors are already getting violations for dry removal or 5 or more violations on the site.
Another enforcement action NYCDEP announced was giving applicants until March 15, 2012 to close out projects filed in the January and February of 2011.  Applicants are required to close-out their project(s), NYCDEP, with this memo, is notifying applicants that if their project is still open after March 15 they will take enforcement action.  In addition, NYCDEP will begin strictly enforcing the following sub-sections of the asbestos regulations:
  • 1-26 (e) Failure to terminate asbestos abatement permit within year
  • 1-44(d) Analysis and Reporting Results
  • 1-112 (m) Additional Clean-up Procedures (Final)
  • 1-28 (h) Clean-up Procedures: Preparation for Clearance Air Monitoring
It certainly seems NYCDEP continues to show how government agencies should be enforcing their regulations.  You can find the memo at:

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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Fact Sheet About Third-Hand Smoke, Hookahs, & E Cigarettes

     We recently read a fact sheet on Third-Hand Smoke, Hookahs, and Electronic Cigarettes that will eventually be available on the website:
Some Kills
Image via Wikipedia
     We found this fact sheet fascinating because this was the first we heard about "third-hand smoke."  We've previously heard about second-hand smoke (which is the smoke that comes off the end of the cigarette or cigar combined with the smoke exhaled by the person who is smoking) and the dangers.  According to the Surgeon General, there is no safe level of exposure for secondhand tobacco smoke.  Considering that tobacco smoke contains 7,000 chemicals and compounds, and more than 70 of them can cause cancer, it is not surprising.

     Which brings us back to the question what is third-hand smoke?  Third-hand smoke is that smell of smoke you get from places where individuals have smoked.  Third-hand smoke consists of the chemicals which remain in a room after the smoking has stopped.  Many of the chemicals in cigarette smoke can cling to walls, ceilings, & other surfaces or can absorb into carpets, drapes, & other fabrics.  A scientific study in 2002 showed that these chemicals can "offgas" back into the air & even re-combine to form harmful compounds that stay at high levels long after smoking has stopped. 
    The fact sheet is even more interesting when discussing Hookahs which has become because of the false notion that it is safer than smoking cigarettes.  Studies have shown that secondhand hookah smoke contains the same cancer-causing chemicals found in secondhad smoke from cigarettes & cigars, along with delivering three times more carbon monoxide, about the same amount of nicotine as cigarettes, and 40% more smoke by volume than cigarettes.
     While it seems their is not enough information available yet on e-cigarettes.  As a whole the fact sheet was very interesting and the website gives resources on banning smoking in apartments, which based on the fact sheet, we would highly recommend building owners develop procedures and rules on handling secondhand and now third-hand smoke.

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Wednesday, February 08, 2012

16th Annual PACNY Environmental Conference Being Held March 1 & 2, 2012

6th Annual PACNY Environmental Conference
Turning Stone Resort & Casino, Verona, NY
Thursday & Friday, March 1st & 2nd, 2012

This years Speakers are:
  • Paul Watson of ATC to speak about PCBs 
  • Bob Krell will address indoor air quality issues
  • Kevin Murphy will discuss the process of accusal and/or claims avoidance
  • Ron Williams from OSHA will give us updates on OSHA as it relates to silica and asbestos
  • Dave Duford will discuss code enforcement in relation to the current code rule
  • Chris Alonge has been invited to speak on Friday 
  • Annual roundtable discussion
Vendor Tradeshow Registration
Display your products and services in the Vendor Hall, adjacent to PACNY Conference Meeting Hall, to over 250 decision makers in the asbestos/environmental industry. The PACNY conference averages over 250 attendees - the majority of attendees are decision makers/buyers.

Last year's conference was very popular with all vendors. Foot traffic in the Vendor Hall was at an all time high. Registration, breakfast, and all coffee breaks will once again be held in the Vendor Hall (adjacent to Conference Meeting Hall) on both days. Also, vendor punch cards will be distributed to all attendees. Attendees that have their punch cards "punched" by all vendors will be eligible for a drawing, held on the second day, for a flat screen TV (winner must be present to claim prize).  

The Thursday (March 1st) afternoon Vendor Reception is held in the Vendor Hall.
Sponsor Options
Conference and Vendor Sponsors are the hosts (with no additional responsibilities) for the Thursday afternoon Vendor Reception held in the Vendor Hall. This reception is held at 4PM immediately after the last speaker's presentation on Day 1 of the conference. Hot food, drinks, and adult beverages are provided at the reception. This is an outstanding opportunity to network and display your products/services to approximately 250 industry professionals! Last year the Vendor Reception was the highlight of the conference. 

Conference Sponsor: $1,000.00
Includes vendor display table, 3 conference passes, 1 page ad in conference program, listing on sponsor board in registration area, logo display on speaker backdrop in conference area, logo on PACNY website as conference sponsor, and logo/firm name on the outside of pre-conference mailings and registration forms (mailed to over 6,000 industry professionals).

Vendor Sponsor: $500.00
Includes vendor display table, 2 conference passes, 1/2 page ad in conference program, listing on sponsor board in registration area, and logo display on speaker backdrop in conference area.

Meal Sponsor: $250.00
Includes your company name and logo on large tent cards on all lunch tables, on both days of the conference, as well as a 1/2 page ad in the conference program. Meal Sponsors will be announced to attendees prior to both days' lunches.

Business Card Sponsor: $50.00
Display your "business card" ad, 1/4 page ad, in the conference program.

To secure your sponsorship...
Please download the form here as a PDF, complete it and fax /email the form to the info on the form.   

Payment is due no later than February 18th.
For additional information please call either Deb Johnson @ 716-570-6726/   
email or Lisa Brown @ (315) 466-3150 / email

Conference Attendee Registration Form
Wednesday Evening's President's Reception, February 29th, 7 - 9PM

Registration by February 18th

$225 for one reservation, both days
$175 per person for two or more persons, both days 
$120 per person for one day only

Turning Stone - Room Reservations by February 18th
$115 per night + tax + gratuity
$79 per night + tax + gratuity with government voucher

For Room Reservations, call Turning Stone at (800) 771- 7711

For additional conference information please call either Deb Johnson @ 716-570-6726/   
email or Lisa Brown @ (315) 466-3150 / email
PACNY, PO Box 3148, Syracuse, NY 13220, Phone (315) 466-3150, Fax (315) 437-1440,

PACNY addresses the needs and concerns of abatement contractors, and those in related industries.

The abatement industry faces many challenges, and this organization allows contractors to band together to face these challenges, rather than alone as individual businesses.

PACNY is a powerful, intelligent voice and force in the industry.

PACNY's new address is:
PO Box 3148
Syracuse, NY 13220
Tel: (315) 466-3150

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The Role of Asbestos Inspections in Construction Safety: Don't Miss the Asbestos Inspection Panel at PACNY's Environmental Conference!

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