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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

EPA Proposes Expansion of Lead RRP Rule Into Public & Commercial Buildings

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued an advance notice of proposed rulemaking concerning renovation, repair and painting activities on and in public and commercial buildings (P&CB).  The current regulation covers residences and child-occupied facilities (COF).  EPA is currently taking public comments regarding the document "Framework for Identifying and Evaluating Lead-Based Paint Hazards From Renovation, Repair, and Painting Activities in Public and Commercial Buildings".  This 23 page document provides a framework of how EPA intends on identifying health hazards and evaluating health risks regarding specific renovation activities.  Based on that evaluation, EPA will determine if regulatory intervention is necessary.
Peeling Lead Based Paint
Specifically EPA is requesting comments on:
  • The utility of the approach discussed in the Framework to assessing risk to human health inside P&CBs as a result of P&CB renovations.
  • Making a hazard finding inside nearby homes and COFs as a result of P&CB renovations.
  • The overview of an analysis approach outlined in the Framework.
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Monday, May 26, 2014

Happy Memorial Day & the Graduation Weekend

Future Environment Designs wishes all of you a Happy Memorial Day as we honor those who served and died for our country.  This Memorial Day weekend we also celebrate our daughter's, Alyssa Rosemary Garcia, graduation from Cornell University with a Baccalaureate of Science degree in Landscape Architecture with a minor in Natural Resources.   Many of you met my daughter during the various stages of her life.  At the beginning stages, she used to attend some of our classes where she heard my presentation so frequently she could actually pass the exams of the various courses we offered.  Later on she created the character "Safety Suzy" that has been a major part of our newsletters and is now the monthly newsletter we send out to our clients.  Just before going away to school she worked in the office transferring my overhead presentations into PowerPoint slides. 

Cropped screenshot of Charlie Chaplin and Paul...
Cropped screenshot of Charlie Chaplin and Paulette Goddard from the film The Great Dictator (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
  •  Charlie Chaplin is credited with saying "The best thing in life is to go ahead with all your plans and your dreams, to embrace life and to live everyday with passion, to lose and still keep the faith and to win while being grateful.  All of this because the world belongs to those who dare to go after what they want.  And because life is really too short to be insignificant."

This quote is so appropriate for those graduating today.  Do not let anyone tell you can't do your passion.  As the title of one of my favorite books, by Marsha Sinetar, says "To Build the Life You Want, Create the Work You Love."  If you think about this you will realize once you create the job that matches your passion you won't have to work a day in your life.  We no longer live in an age where you need to work for someone.  Alyssa graduated from Cornell University where many students were opening businesses right after graduation.  Previously that was unheard of, but in this new age anything is truly possible.  It is up to you!  As Cornell University's Convocation speaker, Ed Helms, said "Be a fool!"   

Now as Alyssa starts her life in the real world, her first employer, Disney World in Orlando, has gotten a lady that works hard and has a passion and a dream to help animals.  We look forward to seeing her achievements in the field of landscape architecture and the development of her dreams.
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Monday, May 19, 2014

New Documents Regarding Chinese-Manufactured Drywall

In Future Environment Design's May Safety Suzy newsletter we sent out links to new documents produced by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) regarding Chinese-manufactured drywall.  One document was the 39 page "Health Consultation - Possible Health Implications From Exposure To Sulfur Gases Emitted From Chinese-Manufactured Drywall."  The second document was a 3 page fact sheet "Public Health Implications of Chinese-manufactured Drywall," which is a summation of the Health Consultation document.  The health consultation was established to estimate the exposures to sulfur compounds emitted from Chinese-manufactured drywall and the health risks associated with that exposure.

Chinese-manufactured drywall was imported into the United States (US) from 2006 to 2008, because of the increase demand caused by hurricane seasons of 2004 and 2005, and the already high national demand for new home construction.  In 2008, people living in homes built between 2001 and 2008 began reporting health issues. In addition, people reported the corrosion of certain metal components in their homes.  This became known as problem drywall, this issue wasn't only reported with Chinese-manufactured drywall or just in the south (see the map below for other areas with problem drywall).  The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)defines problem drywall as:
  • Visual inspection observes blackening of copper electrical wiring and/or air conditioning evaporator coils and
  • Drywall installed between 2001 and 2009

If both of the above are present look for corroborating evidence which may require outside lab testing.

Findings from the Health Consultation found that the drywall samples they tested emitted several sulfur compounds, including hydrogen sulfide, methy and ethyl mercaptans, carbonyl sulfide, dimethyl sulfide, and sulfur dioxide.  The levels found were a public health concern in 2009 when the testing was done.  Emission rates of these compounds increased with both temperature & humidity.

Exposures to sulfur compounds at the levels estimated from problem drywall in 2005 and 2006 may be associated with such effects as:

  • Headaches
  • Irritation of eyes, nose, & throat
  • Feeling tired
  • Problems controlling respiratory conditions (like asthma)

The odors associated with sulfur compounds could disrupt daily activities and cause stress.

If you have problem drywall the CPSC recommends remediation that would include the replacement of all:

  • Possible problem drywall;
  • Fire safety alarm devices (including smoke & carbon monoxide alarms);
  • Electrical distribution components (including receptacles, switches, and circuit breakers, but not necessarily wiring); and
  • Gas service piping and fire suppression sprinkler systems.

All testing and remediation work should be conducted in compliance with applicable building codes, occupational safety and health standards, and environmental regulations.
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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Rates Of New Lung Cancer Cases Drops In The United States

Back in January, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) issued a press release discussing the lung cancer rates in the United States.  The good news is that tobacco control efforts are making a major impact on American's health.  According to a report in Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, the rate of new lung cancer cases decreased among men and women from 2005 to 2009.

The study found that lung cancer incidence rates went down 2.6 percent per year among men and 1.1 percent per year among women.  The fastest drop was among adults aged 35-44 years, decreasing 6.5 percent per year among men and 5.8 percent per year among women.  Lung cancer incidence rates decreased more rapidly among men than among women in all age groups.

Lung Cancer is the leading cause of cancer death and second most commonly diagnosed cancer among both men and women in the United States.  Most lung cancers are attributable to cigarette smoking & secondhand smoke.

Beschreibung: Konventionelles Röntgenbild des ...
Beschreibung: Konventionelles Röntgenbild des Thorax (der Lunge) mit rundlicher Verdichtung in der linken Lunge Quelle: selbst erstellt --Benutzer:Lange123 17:18, 11. Nov. 2004 (CEST) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Regarding asbestos exposure and lung cancer, 50% of asbestos related deaths are due to lung cancer.  Most cases of lung cancer occur 15 or more years after the initial asbestos exposure.  Tobacco smokers who have been exposed to asbestos have a "far greater-than additive" risk (50-90 times greater risk) for lung cancer than do nonsmokers who have been exposed (5 times greater risk), meaning the risk is greater than the individual risks from asbestos and smoking (10 times greater risk) added together.

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Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Latest IAQTV Video Discusses Flood Cleanup & Indoor Air Quality

IAQTV on You Tube has produced a number of basic videos discussing various indoor air quality (IAQ) topics.  The most recent one discusses the problems with flood water and the need to dry areas quickly to prevent IAQ problems.

A few things not discussed is to make sure the drying company you choose to help you with flood cleanup has experience and is qualified.  The American Council for Accredited Certifications (ACAC) has two certifications in structural drying.  The Council-certified Structural Drying Remediator (CSDR) and the Council-certified Structural Drying Supervisor (CSDS) these individuals perform water damage restoration services.  For example, a CSDR or CSDS can safely mitigate water losses resulting from floods, fires, hurricanes and other disasters as well as broken pipes and water mains.  These professionals have verified knowledge of the principles, techniques, equipment and regulations relevant to structural drying as described in widely published industry texts and accredited standards.  Visit the ACAC's website to find companies that hire CSDRs or CSDSs.

Rainwater Flooded Basement
In addition, the term usually used for flood waters is black water.  Black water is typically defined as containing or potentially containing harmful contaminants.  It would include floodwaters containing soil and any sewage water.  All raw sewage is contaminated with microbes, including bacteria, protozoa, mold, fungi, and viruses.  Many are pathogenic to humans.  So heed the warnings in the video and get some professional help if you find yourself in this unfortunate position.
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Friday, March 21, 2014

PACNY's Three Day Environmental Conference A Success!

Almost from the beginning, this year's Professional Abatement Contractors of New York (PACNY) Environmental Conference seemed to be different from previous years.  There was a certain buzz about the conference even downstate.  Usually, we are the only one discussing the conference.  However, this year we found several people discussing the conference and several others saying they were attending at least the first day of the conference.  Well that buzz definitely turned into a well attended conference.  The new Wednesday session had 70 attendees with 30-40% of them staying for an additional day.  The total conference attendance was up 50% and the exhibit hall was at full capacity which was 18% increase over last year.  We always have fun at these events, and this year was no different.

View from the Tower at Turning Stone Resort & Casino
The venue, Turning Stone Resort & Casino actually improved over last year with some new restaurant choices.  TS Steakhouse was fantastic, the Tin Rooster a barbeque restaurant was very good, and the Upstate Tavern specializing in locally sourced food and drinks was excellent.

Annual Certificates/Students Slide from Mr. Malone's Presentation
The new first day of the conference, was advertised for training providers and trainers, featuring Mr. Kevin Malone, Director of the Asbestos Safety Training Program.  The session started with Mr. Darren Yehl & Mr. Kevin Hutton from Cornerstone Training discussing "What are we telling our clients?".  This discussion featured audience participation with a Classroom Performance System  that allowed the audience to answer the questions on the screen and then tallied the results.   This session definitely determined one thing, the information provided in training is all over the place.  Based on the responses it would seem that the trainers need training.  This was probably very eye-opening for Mr. Malone.   Mr. Bill Self's presentation "High Impact Presentations" definitely gave us a lot to think about and had us thinking how we can improve our presentations.  Mr. Malone's presentation was informative and it was interesting seeing the asbestos training business increasing (it is our opinion the increase is coming from those retiring out of the asbestos industry and having to replace them).  It was also interesting, however, though not unexpected how few asbestos management planners there are (for 2013, there were 24 initials and 134 refreshers in the management planner title.  Compare that to 101 initials and 333 refreshers in the inspector title).
Dave Pannucci of Seneca Meadows Landfill
The next two days was the typical Environmental Conference and the presenters/presentations were all informative and some were more entertaining than others.  The first presenter was Mr. Craig Benedict, Assistant US Attorney in the Northern District of New York discussing some of the various asbestos related cases (100 prosecutions over 15 years) and the process of investigating environmental crimes (the cases are won before the trial even happens).  Why is it when he talks you feel like crawling under the table?  Mr. Dave Pannucci's, of Seneca Meadows Landfill, presentation regarding the handling of friable and nonfriable asbestos waste was very interesting since we don't usually hear about how asbestos is handled at the landfill. Dr. Marty Rutstein's, from New Paltz Geology Department, presentation "All About Amphiboles" was very interesting and helped us realize how the science has progressed so far ahead of the regulations in this industry.  His discussion on transitional fibers and bio-reactivity of fibers were eye opening.  Mr. Tom Stebbin's, of the Lawsuit Reform Alliance of New York, presentation regarding the scaffold law was very interesting and the statistics are very compelling.  Though we would agree with some in the audience who thought for such a controversial issue it would've been nice to hear from someone from the counter point.  Mr. Tom Laubenthal, from the Environmental Institute, discussed "Methods for Asbestos Sampling & Analytical" who dropped a bomb shell regarding the minimum volume for clearance sampling under the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) 7400 methodology being between 3,000 to 10,000 liters based on loading.  The final presentation was Mr. Steve Fess from Xerox discussing "Getting Your Foot in the Door" providing a private client's perspective of developing lasting partnership with customers.

Roundtable Discussion
The second day started with Mr. Paul Watson, of the Center for Toxicology & Environmental Health, presenting "A Regulatory Update in Renovation, Restoration, & Abatement" discussing the new silica standard (the proposed new action level of 25 micrograms/cubic meter and permissible exposure limit of 50 micrograms per cubic meter) and other things on the horizon.  Unfortunately, because of the weather Dr. Barry Castleman could not make it, so Dr. Marty Rutstein replaced with a presentation "Are We Hugging the Trees to Death", which was funny and entertaining.  The Roundtable Discussion added levity with a fictional contractor defending some of the data we were discussing.  The final presenter was Dr. Eileen Franko (hopefully we spelled that right) the Director for the Division of Safety and Health with the New York State Department of Labor (NYSDOL).  Dr. Franko discussed the NYSDOL's initiative to educate code enforcement officers across the state, their attempt to remove the 1974 cut off in the Industrial Code Rule 56, and changes to the notice of violation system (including considerations for history, gravity, & good faith).

Moonglo Light at the DiVal Booth in Exhibit Hall
The Exhibit Hall was sold out this year, and the Thursday night reception and networking allowed us to discuss the conference with some of the new people who attended the conference.  We were glad to hear that almost all were impressed with the conference and enjoyed all parts of the event.  In addition, in the Exhibit Hall we enjoyed seeing all the usual equipment and some new equipment that is available from Aramsco, DiVal Safety, The Safety House, Grayling Industries, The Duke Company, Admar Supply Company, Fiberlock Technologies, Inline Distribution, Novatek Corporation, and Vermeer.  Honeywell Safety Product's booth was interesting with all the different safety equipment they supply (we thought Honeywell was a security and energy company).  We thank all of you who came by our booth and introduced yourself to Ms. Kimberly Granmoe and Ms. Sheryl Esposito who were handling our booth duties.  A big Thank You to Ms. Granmoe & Ms. Esposito for adding a woman's touch to our booth and helping us spend more time meeting and talking with the attendees.  PACNY should be very happy with the success of this year's event.  Though, the bar has been set very high in trying to make next year's event even better.  For more photos from the Conference visit Future Environment Design's Picasaweb Album.
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Future Environment Designs Celebrating 36 Years in Business: A Journey of Growth, Dedication, and Innovation

As we mark the 36th anniversary of Future Environment Designs, Inc., we find ourselves reflecting on the incredible journey that brought us ...