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Monday, August 01, 2011

NYS Senate Considering Asbestos Notification Fee Changes

ALBANY, NY - JUNE 16: The New York State Senat...Image by Getty Images via @daylifeThe New York State Senate is considering changes to the notification fees paid by residential homeowners.  These changes are being considered, because currently, a very small percentage of asbestos project notifications are received from projects involving owner occupied one or two family structures.  The NYS Senate believes that so few of these notifications are received because the current fee structure is cost prohibitive, which results in homeowners either doing the abatement project illegally themselves or not doing the project at all.  If home-owners are charged a fee of no more than five hundred dollars ($500) for the project notification it will result in improved compliance and an increase in the number of homeowner asbestos project notifications received by the NYS Department of Labor, since it would become more economically feasible to comply with the law.   For more information S748-2011 can be found at:

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