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The Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization (ADAO) recognizing the global and negative impact of the Canadian asbestos industry, has partnered with Ontario filmaker Kathleen Mullen, the directer of Breathtaking, to hold a first-ever, international livestreaming of Breathtaking on September 26th, 2011 at 6:30 pm EST from the ADAO website. The 45 minute screening will begin with a short introduction from Mullen and conclude with a fifteen minute question and answer session via Twitter with the filmmaker and ADAO President and Co-Founder, Linda Reinstein.Breathtaking addresses the asbestos industry through a moving and personal investigation into the death of Mullen’s father, and the baffling present-day use, pubic mining, and incessant export of asbestos in spite of decades of scientific evidence that asbestos kills people. Commercially mined since the Industrial Revolution, asbestos was nicknamed the ‘magic mineral’ for its fabric-like, and fire retardant properties and has been used in everything from brake pads to oven mitts. Although it has been discovered to be carcinogenic, and asbestos use has been banned in many countries and limited in others. However, Canada, Russia and several other countries, still mine asbestos and export it for use in developing nations.