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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Long Island OSHA Rep Speaks to the Association of Facilities Engineers

List of references to Long Island places in po...Image via WikipediaOn Tuesday, March 8, 2011, Mr. Anthony Ciuffo, CSP, the Long Island Area Director of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) gave an overview of OSHA's function in the workplace and what OSHA currently doing in the area.  His presentation was to the Long Island Chapter of the Association of Facilities Engineers (AFE) which held this meeting at the Hofstra University Club.  The event was sponsored by Hofstra University Continuing Education.
The presentation covered the typical taglines we've come to hear from other OSHA representatives - strong enforcement; partnering for a purpose; emergency preparedness; rule making in requiring an injury illness prevention program (I2P2); and safety and health management systems.  Top ten inspection targets for the Long Island area are:
  1. Fall hazards in construction
  2. Heavy highway and bridge construction
  3. Gut rehab and demolition
  4. Amputations
  5. Warehousing
  6. Construction
  7. Landscaping & Horticultural
  8. High Hazard 50
  9. Isocyanate
  10. Lead
For OSHA's calendar year, last year saw 343 inspections (on Long Island).  Average serious violation before October 2010 was $1,200, after October 2010 the average serious violation has increased to $2,400.
Dinner was included in the meeting and the organization several future meetings and a golf outing planed in the future.  For more information on AFE visit their website at:

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